August 4, 2010


Scotland is a beautiful country. I just spent the past 10 days traveling in a car, with only the radio, and visited with so many people it has been a little over whelming.
Here's a map of my travels:

It was a lot of driving with out an ipod conection. Luckly I had rented two CDs from the Library, (unfortunatly they weren't really the CDs I was in the mood to listen to, but hey.) Arcaid Fires' "Funeral", wich is a great album, and the Chemical Brothers.

Whilts in Crinan Bay I watched the ships roll in a listened to a lot of Mumford and Sons, thanks to Paul Sinclair.
Mumford And Sons - The Cave by IndieRock Universe

And then I went to the Isle of Arran and this happened to me:

On our last night in Soctland I sat up intell the wee hours of the morning, in an old hotel converted into his home, and played funk albums.
Herbie Hancock 'Wiggle Waggle' (Mr. Scruff Remix) by Mr Scruff

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